
Friends Don’t Let Friends …

Are you a good friend? Do you have good friends around you? Here is a compilation of 20 things that friends don’t let friends do with regards to money and life in general:

1. Leave the house looking like a hooker, a soccer mom, homeless or just plain ridiculous.

friends don't let friends

2. Buy anything that will ultimately create any of the aforementioned looks.

3. Buy a ridiculously expensive outfit/shoes/bag because “you SO deserve it.”

4. Quit your job with no other prospects lined up because your boss just doesn’t “get” you.

5. Cancel your gym membership so you can buy a package for that new trendy workout that’s $40 a class (but you may or may not catch Jake Gyllenhaal there.)

6. Get blackout drunk with your credit card down at the bar so you can proceed to have the best night you’ll never remember (but Amex will).

7. Get blackout drunk.

8. Rent an apartment or home that is way out of your budget because you really probably maybe should be getting a raise soon.

9. Be rude to servers. Or customer service agents. Or anyone.

friends don't let friends10. Go home from the club at 3 am and place numerous bids on extremely useless things on eBay while intoxicated.

11. Tell you it’s ok to buy things you can’t afford because hey, YOLO.

12. Talk behind your other friend’s backs.

13. Make you a bridesmaid. With a $400 dress. For a wedding in Paris. That you need to pay for.

14. Ignore putting money in your retirement fund because “what will you need that money for when you’re old and senile anyway?”

15. Not tip at least 15% gratuity. Your server could be having a terrible day – don’t make it worse by being cheap.

16. Convince you that you should invest in this company  because their friends friend works there and “knows stuff.”

17. Convince you that you should invest in their amazing business idea even though they have no idea what they’re doing.

18. Make you go at a fancy expensive restaurant to eat because they are such a foodie. Real foodies know most of the best food is also the cheapest.

19. Let a roomate/boyfriend/girlfriend continue to live with you without paying their share because they have been “between jobs” for the last 8 months.

20. Not read amazing and informative blogs like this one. Be a good friend and share the love.




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