Articles written by: TFM

Ashley is a model living in NYC who loves sharing tips for saving money and advice on enriching your life.

Stop Waiting For a Career Miracle: Creating Your Own Opportunities

Stop Waiting For a Career Miracle: Creating Your Own Opportunities

I, like many of those in their late-20’s/early 30’s have been patiently waiting for my “passion” to just to one day miraculously appear to me. I’ve been working hard doing things that aren’t necessarily my passion with the hopes that one day, someone would just show up and say — […]

How to Change Your Nasty Spending Habits
Earn/Save Money

How to Change Your Nasty Spending Habits

I get asked frequently – what advice would you give to those who are struggling to make ends meet? If you are struggling to make ends meet, there is either a major problem with your spending/saving habits or you need to pick up the hustle and start making more money. […]

Who Do You Want to Be? How to Shape Your Future Starting Today

Who Do You Want to Be? How to Shape Your Future Starting Today

I just read a great article in Psychology Today titled Reinvent Yourself, and it brought up some really interesting points on how to shape your future by focusing more on your future self. As you’ve read in past posts, I am currently (still) working on my own reinvention, and it’s […]

4 Tricks to Avoid Mindless Spending (aka “I Think I’m Rich” Mode)
Earn/Save Money

4 Tricks to Avoid Mindless Spending (aka “I Think I’m Rich” Mode)

Shopping can be fun, social, therapeutic — but once it starts costing more than actual therapy, maybe it’s time to look at some of your shopping habits. It’s easy to get caught up in the feel-good chemicals that the ability to swipe that magical card brings, so before you go […]

Want to be More Influential? Work on Being a Better Listener.

Want to be More Influential? Work on Being a Better Listener.

I’m one of those people who doesn’t like talking on the phone. The only people who can get me on the phone is my dad and grandmother, and that’s because they don’t know how to send text messages. The problem with our current nonverbally-communicating culture is that many of us […]

What The Hell Am I Doing With My Life? Finding The Joy in Scary Transitions

What The Hell Am I Doing With My Life? Finding The Joy in Scary Transitions

I am writing this post after a long ass day of real estate school. For those of you who follow the blog, you may be thinking, “wait a minute, I thought you were training to pursue your passion of becoming a life coach?” Yes, after expensive seminars and classes to […]

Playing Poor: Because rich people don’t get deals
Earn/Save Money

Playing Poor: Because rich people don’t get deals

I’m not an actress. I know there’s a lot of model/actresses out there, but I can’t act worth shit. Somehow, though, when the opportunity comes around to save some money, I can act poor better than that homeless person who sits outside of Starbucks. This skill has saved me hundreds […]